Tuesday 8 February 2011

Now vegans can have their cake and eat it too!

The vegan diet used to be deemed as a newfangled diet followed by hippies and other alternative types. However, in the US the vegan diet is gaining popularity at an alarming speed. It’s believed that the main reasons for this are because more people are becoming increasingly aware of the damage a carnivore diet is having on the environment, to the animals, and our bodies. 

Today, vegans- who do not eat any food product that has come from an animal-such as honey, mayonnaise and cheese as well as meat and eggs-come from all different ethnic and professional backgrounds.

The rise in the popularity of the vegan diet can also be attributed to the wider availability of food items which have been specially made to suit the needs of the vegan diet.  Years ago the staples of the vegan diet consisted of tofu, brown rice, lentils and steamed vegetables, creating a range of bland and unadventurous meals- treats like a cake were most definitely out of the question!

However, today it is much easier for a vegan to eat a diet not too dissimilar to a conventional diet, thanks to the production of various free from foods.

The Healthy Cake Company is a bakery dedicated to the production of free from cakes.  They not only produce healthy cakes which are suitable for vegans to eat, but can also make customised celebratory vegan cakes, such as vegan birthday cakes. Alternatively, if you want to brush up on your baking and make your own free from cakes they also supply cake mix, which is suitable for followers of vegan and vegetarian diets to eat.

 The Healthy Cake Company makes each cake individually, allowing you can make special requests for any ingredients that you would like your cake to be made from. Don’t like soya milk? Simply make a request for your cake to contain rice milk instead. 

The Healthy Cake Company’s production of vegan cakes means that no longer does the vegan diet need to be plain and boring. Bursting with organic, natural flavours their free from cakes and healthy muffins are moist, light and fluffy-yet most importantly won’t compromise a healthy diet!

Visit our website at http://www.healthycakecompany.co.uk/


About us

If you are looking for healthy cakes such as vegan cakes, or free from cakes such as dairy free cakes and gluten free cakes The Healthy Cake Company can produce high standard cakes to order, alternatively you can make your own using ready to make cake mix.

Editors note:

The Healthy Cake Company is represented by Search Engine Marketing agency TRON Media. Please direct all press queries to Jo-Anne Keyte email: jo@tronmedia.co.uk or call: 02031670969.

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